MetPlus Community Redistribution Center!
At MetPlus CRC, we are dedicated to redistributing essential goods to those in need. We connect with communities in need and distributing essential goods to their trusted local nonprofits, schools, and religious organizations. We are committed to fostering stronger, more resilient communities and ensuring that those facing adversity receive the products they require, all while building hope and creating lasting social change.
What is a Community Redistribution Center?
Met Plus Community Redistribution Center is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization-backed product distribution center. We specialize in redistributing merchandise from our corporate partners to a network of approved 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, schools, and Religious institutions
Join Met Plus Community Redistribution Center to be a part of a collective effort to create a lasting social impact. As a member, you'll gain exclusive access to a to a wide range of essential product merchandise at affordable admin fees. By partnering with us, you'll not only empower your organization to make a difference in your but also contribute to a greater social cause.
Together, we can bring essential goods to those who need them most, foster hope, and build stronger, more resilient communities. Your partnership with Met Plus Community Redistribution Center is a step towards a brighter future for communities in need. Join us in making a positive impact today.